i’m not afraid of nought,
and i’m afraid of nought,
and i’m not able anything to do.

i am an awful one:
i’m angry out of place,
i’m mournful and i’m dry,
and pity for myself.

your clouds are softly willed,
your feet are heard and healed,
dark eyes are willed,
and heavy steps are easy.

beasts do not drudge in shade,
plants don’t conceal the words,
the essence of the tears
conceived in notch of birch.

i guard you and await, and cherish all the dreams,
forgot about the grief - it didn’t disappear.
i saw three pines on mountain of belief,
i cut them down, but grief is still the grief.

i didn’t even know,
that i approached the snow,
the blizzard and the one
do know each other freely.

i called a spade a spade,
from birches to the pines,
and in a temper
spared something holy.

and shores of you -
the dear shores of you -
are like the shores of love:
they are immensely shoreless.

forgive my meadows bold,
forgive and find and hold.

do not afraid of nought,
and do afraid of nought,
(be able everything to do)

in us the forests burn,
and moist are eyes and morn:
they fight the fires
scatter them to north

Grind every piece of wisdom with a mill,
And dress me up
In a secluded basis.

Unfolded day is flickering
And snow
Is spreading out in fragments -
It is dying
By way of spring.
(And you
Are going into me
By way of living).

Why snow?
Why spring?
When sadder
Nothing is
Than you.
When ladder
Leads mind aside,
Not up or down.

I grasped you
From the rising voice.
Now anguish
Is incurable and (noisy?).

I'm a lonely wanderer
Without you
There is no рай, no sea, no soul
Of mine.
The meaning is defined.
Between your bones.

I know each language in the world
More than a head alive:
Head out of your lips to gotten ears.

And where have forgotten I the sounds?
Entailed a chord in darkness
And said these cherished words:
"We plainly breathe."
And let’s with you
Agree to die tomorrow,
And let’s agree to matter for today.

Nothing’s alive this winter
Winter of white.
Everything overly novel
Seems to be right.

Snow is dissolving memory
Presently rude
This is the way to exist
And they say you should.

Easily soiled snow
All the night away
Catches the light of the aging
While they sway.

God is residing nearby —
Hard to see,
And as they put it, you must,
But they don’t know thee.

Willing to know the secrets
Of shadowy stars?
Setting the glare from the wind
To the tears above.

Should I extract the answers?
Stay at the quiet
The heat is more bitter there
The sweetness is there
The grief is tight.

Passing through the veins,
The light is fetching sigh
Feeling light again.

If there is the way
To grasp unyoking sign
I’m waiting for you there.

Your presence turns my presence into garden
With flowers flourishing through silent skin.

Wearing for your swarthy eyes,
Behold me tightly,
Keep me well in hands,
Do not forget my breath,
Recall me.
Hold my onerous mind,
I am within your boundless glimmer
Of hope and fire.

You conceive your smile
I begin to smile
You are smiling
I am smiling

Between the expanse of the bosom
And you
No name and no nomen

Along the unaided remembrance is trace
Not even a memory after your face
The wasteland is roofed by the dawn and embraced
Not even a door after you
To assign all the strength
To the word

The light that resides close to you
Is unfolded
All that was stored up to now isn’t novel
Whether forgotten or painfully doubled
Flickering what in austere suspense?

The length of the life
The width of the wave
No air on skin
Only springs

Memory’s fresh
And the eyelash of moon
Burnt colors and time
Died down knowing you

Tension of fingers
And earth
Can be felt not with face
But with pace

Earth is a means
Earth’s falling off
The fingers (my fingers)

Moved by
Thirsty about
Hidden in chasm
Of the sighs (your signs)

quail at the prospect of being
another time
timid and shy
cypress is shivering
asking why
cypress reveals the sky
it reveals the sky
do you remember the ray
it is colored green
steadfast yet glowing
remember the ray and base
base of the earth is ceiling
and you are here
embedded in loose wet sky
how and why/ how and why
will you oppose or embrace
will you shiver shy
vanish without a trace
will be found (the face)
will soothe the fear
will smooch you
fret disappears
oh, don’t
surrender to empty whys
and i mentioned the soil
the soil respires in ears
the centre is clear
ambiguity shrugs, recoils
and you may resist
your shoulders my rest
and the shoulders may rest
i’m stuck in your chest
in the chest indeed

the art of not being governed
unreflectively inherited speed
without glazing will you see the night above
the sea and flowing
profound yet hindering
the only hint of breath
is carrying me that way (away)
what if she doesn’t know
then is it all ongoing
i see the lustre
but if she doesn’t see
then is it all enduring
i know the case
or if she doesn’t know
then is it lasting
if she doesn’t see
then is it
the covert glance
i see the fleeting gaze
but if she haven’t seen
the coward me
huh if she doesn’t want
this nerve is never seen
has never been obeyed
yet rules are known
ignored and trembling in the wind

So the moon has been rising high
Her sweet power is holding tight
Felt with nerves from the origin
Uniform light that cold and chill

Final hour has struck again
I’ve been withering all this month
Every time like it is the first
Time my sorrow recedes and glances

It recedes just the one step back
Waiting breathing behind my back
Doesn’t dare to come that close
Not to hinder my trembling voice

Poplars rustling the modest leaves
They intended to settle things
They repeated the howling dogs
They dissolved grey and rusty fears

Cozy moonlight is shining smart
It’s so easy to speak and start
It has changed all the rhythm at once
Every part tender is in heart

It’s a thaw in the forest night
I know everything, it is right
All that froze in the heart of mine
Has been melting in warm moonlight

Muffled voices, soft whispering
Told me something with murmuring
Told me something about the time
It has only three hours to shine

Grain of dawn will begin to swell
Light will come from expanse and dwell
Band of light on the wall will break
In some time it will choke and ache

4 Позиции Бруно, Лунная Мистерия - translation of the song

our clothes is our soul
our soul is our goal
what is bad about you all
is that you refuse to glow

from the bottom to the hell
from the hell to ring the bell
from the belly to the heart
through the hurt and to the start

our skin is our eyes
our voluntary mind
what control you put to will
will you choose or will you feel

our prison’s our fault
our guilt is our salt
salt of earth is time to widen
our king’s not kind but snide

our steps are knotty problems
never seen as something proper
our head is full of hay
causa sui and get to bay

i will meet you in the end
our questions in the hand
our handful of regrets
our bunch of sour threats

tell the story keep it neat
free the reason take a sit.

Cognitive is pushed and expanded with force
I’m striding to zenith of raw universe.

There were both common blessed and addicted folks
Their drive disappeared in densest fogs.
Powerless to accept real state of things,
They were setting the table with will to feast.
They were moving tongues in the arid mouths
To the bones they moved their avid tongues.

Well and here I am
I am walking with them.
There is not much left,
I will open the roof
Measure me, the peak, with the white wind, off
Suffocate my hollow and restless soul
I’m the bug, the bug doesn’t rail at all.

What a wonderful dream, what a cognitive flop,
I was eager to get overlaid by the top.

Was it us who passed?
Or the life has passed?
World that has been seen
Only halfway.

Is it us alone?
Or it’s me alone?
Swelter. Leaves are falling
Like stars.

Fear is in vain,
Probable is God,
Life inside me has
Only shuddered.

Snowbank’s got my face,
Watches in the dust,
There is no you who’s left
In the shadow.

Whom am I to heat?
Who am I to mourn?
Why should one feel swallowed
By losing?

And the spring is bright,
And the wave gives slide,
And the surf will get
To the height.

in the corner blue and night

I was holding deep insight

not inside and outside not

double sided although hot

burnt unwound and mature sigh

shy and tiny although high

sly delightful upper air

flying deftly flying there

whose belief to shake and stagger

who is only one to beggar

who is mother who is wove

wakened wavered кто таков

apex acme climax волхв

прорицатель чародей

бох обитель благодей

отрицательно живущий

If you need a kiss

then here it is

Morning causes breath

I want you to caress


Yearning for the sun

Longing for the moon

If you need a soul

Then give me a call

I’m so high on air

I’m so short to swear

I’m no longer there

Hold my hand, my bear

Do you need a kiss

Don’t call the police

I don’t wanna talk

To them

I just wanna mock

And gem

Would you like to see

The mountain and the sea

Grass and weeds and blessed

Posh and splendid nest

I will pour myself

Out of my shell

Have you got a cup

To hold the liquid stuff

Oh shame oh shame oh shame
Oh too much shame you have
Oh you are shameless.
Your shape is smooth
That doesn't mean ur shapeless
It's not your fault
The fault is fear and trembling
It is your skin the skin is all around
The time is now the time is throbbing slime
And Dusty shoes
In which you kiss my nipples
Offensive nipples
Not offensive blood
Offensive nipples
Not offensive borders
Offensive visibility
Offensive being
That's all I hate that's all you see that's all i ask
Those Dusty shoes those True Detective jeans
You stole the key
My Majesty,
When will you come for me?

Haze lulls my vigilance:
Odd corner's lullaby. Beep-beep
Old odour's step. Old pair of shoes:
I want them new. I want them, you
Are wrong. I'm wrong.
They all seem weirdos and Wangs
Snow-white and blind
Soothsayer's high and dry
(Don't leave him)
Soothe me hug me on the shore
So I'll discard my clothes, my habits
Trill away like a nightingale:
To start a song. The song.

Начать со чрева, с трели соловья.
Я откажусь от одеяний и привычек:
Утешь меня. Объятья. Берегá
Провидец выброшен на сушу. Он увидел.
Он слепнет, он бледнеет, он таков.
Gang bang, big tits, an actual rape, buongiorno.
"Хочу, чтоб не старели перепонки"-
У этой утки новая семья.
Трель соловья для трели соловья.
Мерцание, мерцание, земля.
Провидец, я, провидец, утка, я,
Gang bang, small tits, infantilism, buongiorno.

Queerly sashay
Down the wall of tallest building
Feeling: when escape,
Falling wall is overwhelming
Noticing: the edge
Is reduced to dust
Oh, so long it is:
Tranquil gaze is tuned
Everytning is lost
Spaceless space is host
I'm just pure witness
Of myself.

When I turn around,
Nothingness exists
There's no wall or edge
Or at least I tend
To believe


You are all wet
You re my monster
Secreting mucus
With selfless urge
Are you a gangster
Secreting fancies
With no defenses
Like childish knees
Wounded and kissed
Then lost and missed

You are a monster
Who glints with sweat
Secreting bodily
But timeless ends
Just be another
Inhuman being
I will be teaching
Myself and you.

When I'm a man I gotta wear heels
To have a feeling out of systema
But also known as queer I gain a weight
And emphasize the outstanding thema
-The text I've never read is in my brain
The head I've never had is strongly out
The rule that drove the dance is outta space
The place I've been before is put in doubt

What if beyond I ask what is beyond
The silence oder nicht ich kant predict
The force or power can I not predict
The feeling, the reflection of reflections
The the oh oh my Gott my tongue, my language
What if beyond is everything but heels(

You won't notice the way to greatness
Cos the queen never notice ways
Like a gauzy feather on waves
You go down into heavy extremes
But the crown of your head is here
I'm affected by queen's black pearl
Deeply feeling some acute pain
Wanna turn into pearl in vain

Fuel is for them
Oxygen and stuff
Know, it's not enough
When you contemplate
When you give a birth
To a huge substance — love.

And the only one is for only one
Everything is for everything

Make it well and fine
Make it absolute
Like a tiny flute
Giving birth to sound,
Give a birth to love
Just to feel above

Just to be above
Everybody's head
To become a soul
Not a dead

And I guess that I don't know
And I guess that it's not now
I'm just feelin here alone
I'm just havin fun
With the boring shit I gave myself to chew
With the morning glory trying not to show
Going back to boring shit I always knew
But the question is just why I'm movin slow
Ever had a joyful morning
Ever tried
Not to hide yoself in narrow fuckin shelf
Answer is I'm never fucking shy
But I'm late.

Lazy time is shameless, past and worst
Oh, The time is hottest ever thing
You can't touch it even if u high
I regret that I was never thin
To get out of narrow fuckin shelf
Of eternal life

A hero in confusion
Is melting into fusion
And nothing helps a hero indeed
A hero needs solution
Within self-prostitution
As time goes by
A hero keeps breathe:
He's like a brainless fish
He's falling down the river
And nothing ever helps him indeed
A hero is the hero,
I feel it when he's near
I kiss his lips
His lips are so sweet


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